
As a former executive of a commercial bank, and as an executive and non-executive director of mining companies

I know the challenges of doing business in emerging markets. I understand sovereign risk, the challenges of conducting business with governments in an ever-changing geo-political climate.
SK Consulting advises investors on designing ESG country strategies, managing relations with governments, corporate governance and joint ventures partners.

Examples of previous work

Jwaneng Mine Lease: Member of a team of De Beers executives negotiating terms for the renewal of the mining rights for the world’s richest diamond deposit with the Botswana Government from 2005-2006.,

Debswana Diamond Marketing Agreement: Involved in four yearly negotiations for the renewal of a five-year multi-million-dollar (US) contract for De Beers to sell Botswana’s diamond production the of which was in 2006 and led to the creation of DTC Botswana (DTBC).

Diamond Aggregation: Following a 2006 principle agreement between the company and the government for De Beers to relocate its diamond distribution arm from the UK to Botswana, served on a team in the early stages of the process in 2009 that negotiated tax and other concessions with the government.

Boteti Project: Participated in partners negotiations for funding development costs and marketing arrangements for a new diamond mine in 2008. Upon securing a mining lease, joint negotiations for the sale of the asset to Lucara, now operating it as Kokorwe Mine. 


Membership on committees for review of capex and supervision of projects as detailed below.

DTCB Sorting House Building Project: Member of a project committee responsible for the construction of a US$85 million diamond sorting house, supervised accountants managing project financials through De Beers Botswana from 2006-2008.

Mining and Water projects Infrastructure: Member of the Debswana board committee for review of feasibility studies and board expenditure proposals for the expansion of the Jwaneng open pit mine project (known as Cut-8). As of 2010, the value of the project and the associated civil, mechanical and electrical engineering works was estimated at US$3 billion. Team also reviewed board project proposals for the purchase and installation of a US$105 million electricity generation plant at Orapa mine.

Morupule Coal Mine: Reviewed board project proposals and a feasibility study and design stages for the Morupule Colliery expansion project at an estimated cost of US$210 million.

Liquidation and Re–Financing of a Salt and Soda Ash Mine: Following insolvency, coordinated legal and compliance matters for the debt and equity restructuring of the company partially owned by Anglo American Corporation of South Africa. A new company called BOTASH was registered in 1997.