SHEILA KHAMA READ MORE At a Conference Hosted By Sir Paul Collier, Chair of Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government and Attended by African Policymakers Including Tanzania’s Chef Secretary to the Presidency Ambassador Ombeni Yohana Sefue in the Background. Mining Indaba SEE MORE During a Panel Discussion with Zambian Minister of Mines Hon Paul Kabuswe and Director General of Guinea’s Sougipami Aboubacar Kagbè TOURE at an Event Hosted by the World Bank and AfDB's AMLA Project at the Mining Indaba Cape Town In February 2022. Extractives Governance
SEE MORE At a joint internal extractives governance seminar jointly hosted by the African Development Bank’s African Natural Resources Center and the African Legal Support Facility in Abidjan in 2016
Diamond Trust Social Responsibility Initiative SEE MORE Officially Launching the Diamond Trust Social Responsibility Initiative in Gaborone Botswana in 2007. The Funded the Tsodilo Hills San Archaeological Site in NW Botswana as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Sheila is a non-executive director of FTSE and NASDAQ listed entities, a sustainable development policy advisor, author...


    Click to listen to some of my interviews and panel discussions.


    Welcome to the Sheila Khama Extractives Podcast. Click to listen to my latest with guests and visit the archives for more.

  • Publications

    I have embarked upon new chapter of my life: I am writer. Presently I am working on three books concurrently.

  • Interests

    I revel in the world’s remarkable natural wonders, the creative arts range from rugs, basketry, fashion and jewelry design

Sheila is a non-executive director of FTSE and NASDAQ listed entities, a sustainable development policy advisor, author and podcast host. She has decades of experience in the mining industry during which she served in different executive and non-executive roles at Anglo American Corporation and De Beers in Botswana. She was head of compliance for a diversified portfolio of upstream and mid-stream mining companies, head of the Botswana office of De Beers Group, a member teams responsible for global risk management strategy and infrastructure development project. She is well versed in strategies for ESG, investor relations, JV partnerships, negotiating concessions and off-take agreements. Sheila is respected for her knowledge of mineral policy, regulatory frameworks and sovereign risk analysis. Sheila worked at the World Bank and the African Development Bank’s minerals, oil and gas policy divisions leading teams of experts to advise governments in parts of Africa, Latin America and Central Asia. Sheila draws on her experiences in the private and public sector to advise academic institutions, UN agencies and other international organizations to promote extractives governance. She holds an MBA from the University of Edinburgh, is citizen of Botswana but has lived in the UK, the USA, west and north Africa.


Tullow Oil plc – Member, Health Safety Environment and Sustainability Committee. ( FTSE 250 oil and gas company in Africa and Latin America). 

The Metals Company Inc – Chair Sustainability and Innovations Committee and member of Remuneration and Audit Committees. (a NASDAQ, deep-sea mineral explorer with exploration and commercial rights to three areas of the Pacific).

Audit Committee Chair- United Nations Office for Projects Services – (a multi-billion US$ infrastructure, procurement, and project management services in 80 countries).

Advisory Committee- The International Finance Corporation – Canada/Africa Local Economic Development Programme (SMEs)

Advisory Board- Columbia University – Columbia Center for Sustainable Investments.

Advisory Council Development Partner for Development (mining advocacy)


CEO – De Beers Botswana

EVP Compliance – 20 subsidiaries of Anglo American Corporation Botswana 

EVP Marketing and Communication – First National Bank Botswana. 

Senior Management – World Bank and African Development Bank’s mineral, oil, and gas policy divisions